
Top dos games
Top dos games

top dos games
  1. #Top dos games how to#
  2. #Top dos games install#

I'll use my favorite DOS spreadsheet to teach you how to use a spreadsheet effectively, from basic concepts to more advanced features. I'm also planning a "how-to" video series about how to use a spreadsheet. Subscribe now so you don't miss new videos!

top dos games

And watch for these new videos, coming up soon: A brief history of the spreadsheet (including the evolution of DOS spreadsheets), Tomb Raider 1 (a great classic game!), RCross (car racing game), and a few other videos on graphics programming (such as getimage/putimage). Someone asked me how to use OpenWatcom to use graphics mode, so I recently posted a few videos on that: A "color bars" test pattern and Writing a board game in graphics mode. A few recent videos that may interest you: Playing the RetroFuel game, Calculate the Fibonacci Sequence in a spreadsheet, and Printing TheDraw data from a C program.

top dos games

I post a variety of videos there, but generally they are about how to use FreeDOS, or showing off DOS applications, playing DOS games, or "how-to" videos about programming on DOS. FreeDOS orphaned projects collected at GitLab 3:09pm We'd love to make this the last release candidate before the official release of "FreeDOS 1.3." You can help make that happen by downloading FreeDOS 1.3 RC5 and testing all the programs! Let us know of any bugs or compatibility issues so we can fix them. Things are looking pretty good in this release. Thanks to everyone for helping make this next FreeDOS 1.3 release candidate! and much, much more! Get your copy of FreeDOS 1.3 RC5 from the FreeDOS Downloads page.

#Top dos games install#

Please help us test the new release candidate (RC) for the FreeDOS 1.3 release! There are a ton of new changes and improvements from 1.2, including: + New FreeCOM 0.85a + New Kernel 2043 and an 8086 version with FAT32 support + Floppy Edition now uses compression and requires about half as many diskettes + The return of networking + Some new programs and games + Many many many package updates + Some updates and improvements to NLS + Improved install process, especially with the MBR + Some support to automatically set the COUNTRY.SYS information + Improved CD initialization for the boot media and installed system +.

Top dos games